Have you checked out our podcast, Rescue Sh*t yet? It's available on most sites such as iTunes, Spotify and more- and you can check out all the episodes here- or on YouTube, here.
Why a podcast you might ask? Well, there are a few reasons. Often people have a lack of understanding about what rescues do, including how animal shelters and rescues are different- which can cause frustration and strife when people are considering adopting a pet.
As well, people often believe that rescue animals are broken- and pure bred dogs are better...or that running a rescue is a dream job! People also don't necessarily understand what charities are anymore, or how they rely on donations to function- and how this is affecting our work and the donations we receive.
We just wanted to provide some insight to what we do "behind the curtain" and shed some light on what we do in a day- and how the decisions we make are scrutinized, judged and so often misunderstood. We also wanted to give you a clearer picture of who we really are as people (pate and jme) so you can get to know us and hear from our own mouths about the stories you may only have heard a snippet about in a social post or even a news feature.
Pate and I have been working together for 15 years now and we've had our ups and downs, but we are fortunate that we've always been fundamentally on the same page in our commitment and vision for the animals. Most rescues don't last even 3 years- so it's quite an accomplishment we've gone 5 times that long and are still going...
But we have definitely seen some pretty significant changes over the years- and right now, it's not in a good way. We have never seen the sheer volume of animals in need ever- we're facing an unprecedented crisis, nationwide which is killing animals in the thousands...and will in the tens, hundreds of thousands- and likely millions.
We are doing everything we can to ensure the animals are safe, protected and loved, but it's gotten to a point where the challenge of just surviving is as significant as our vision and mission...because people and perceptions are changing and animals are often not even on the list of problems to address. Many grantors don't even offer funding to animal organizations like ours- and of those that do, the requirements are often unrealistically prohibitive for a rescue like ours.
But it's not all doom and gloom!
We have funny and interesting stories to share about the animals and people we meet...the miracles we see happen in front of our eyes- when a dog overcomes parvo, or a cat survives panleuk. Every adoption we facilitate is a small miracle in itself- and we want to share all of this with you.
The good and the bed...but mostly, we just want you to understand the reality of what we're doing. How grueling but rewarding it can be...and especially, why it all matters. Why YOUR INVOLVEMENT IN RESCUE MATTERS.
We cannot do what we do without YOU- and we hope you will tune in to hear our take on the ins and outs of rescue, animal behavior, training, nutrition and more! It's a bit of a nerdy niche perhaps, but we think it's pretty interesting...and we certainly enjoy it.
Ultimately, rescue can be difficult and we can use all the little bots of joy we can find. We hope you can join us for our brand of humor on a subject we literally live and breathe!
New episodes release every 2 weeks...with new equipment and a new recording location! But be sure to check out our old content too and we'd love to hear what you think!
Feel free to email us at rescueshit@motleyzoo.org for your thoughts, questions and suggestions for new topics!