Hailee Wickersham Updated Nov 25, 2024
Here's an except from the piece Hailee Wickersham did to cover our big event! See the full article here.
Monroe-based animal rescue and welfare organization Motley Zoo, which has rescued and rehomed more than 4,500 animals, is celebrating its 15th anniversary as well as the launch of the annual Rock the Rescue virtual 5K event.
The rock-and-roll-themed charity event has already kicked off and will run through Dec. 8. Participants are invited to run, walk, or jog to support animals in need. The top fundraisers will be entered into a draw for a chance to win a trip to Bali.
"We're incredibly grateful to our community for standing by us for 15 years," said Jme Thomas, co-founder of Motley Zoo Animal Rescue, in the release. "The Rock the Rescue Virtual 5K is a fun and meaningful way for everyone to get involved, support our mission, and make a difference from anywhere in the world. And we’re looking forward to rocking for years to come!"