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TaLEs of the zoo: MZ's blog
Check out original content as well as commentary and contributions to other articles and blogs, featuring our Executive Director, jme Thomas.

Motley Zoo's "Give Big, Get Bad" fundraiser featured by Maddie's Fund
June 1, 2023 You may have seen the trend of “bad” (or in some cases, good) pet portraits from animal well-being (welfare) organizations...

Hidden Household Dangers
Hidden Household Dangers for Pets: What You Need to Know Keep your cats and dogs from unintentional accidents. As pet owners, we do our...

The one thing no one can live with when it comes to cats
There are so many reasons to love cats- but there is one, universal reason that no one can tolerate, as much as we love them...and it's...

Littermate Syndrome: Why Dog Siblings Should Not Go Home Together
Learn what littermate syndrome is and why it's critical not to adopt (and please don't buy) sibling dogs.

Where do cats belong: Inside or outside?
There are opposing ideas when it comes to cats and their needs. One camp thinks it’s cruel to not let them out to chase, hunt and be...

What to Expect When Fostering a Pet
Check out this short summary of Rescue Sh*t's podcast episodes, What to Expect When Fostering a Pet- Parts 1 & 2 (S1 E4, S1 E6).

Motley Zoo is Saving Local Animals One Rock Star at a Time
Excerpt from "The Stranger", March 14, 2023. Click here to read the entire article. ..."This spring The Stranger is partnering with the...

Interview: Follow Your Passion Podcast with Erwin Wils
Recently, our ED jme, sat down with Erwin Wils for his podcast "Follow Your Passion" to discuss jme's work with Motley Zoo. Learn more...

Interview: "Good Life Great Life" by Brian Highfield
Check out the interview of our executive director, jme, when interviewed by Brian Highfield for the Good Life Great Life podcast (Episode...

Why most people approach dog training wrong!
Almost everyone I know approaches dog training all wrong. They talk about their dog's bad behaviors (or even dangerous ones) as though...

What's the problem with muzzles?
The biggest problem with muzzles is that people are averse to using them, even when their dog's life may be dependent on one. Muzzles can...

Exercise and Your Dog: Why It Is So Important – And the Proper Way to Do It
Excerpt taken from original article for This Dog's Life by Diana Bocco on 1/21/2022 "When in doubt, take things slow to see how much...

Tips on how to reunite with pets that go missing
We feel fortunate that in our 12 years of existence, we have lost very few pets- and most have been found. This past week however, a dog...

How to keep your pets safe during a heat wave
Summer can be a challenging time for pets in general, but when a heat wave hits, it can be brutal-even deadly. Although much of the...

How to help your pets through the dreaded Fourth of July
There are many dangers facing our pets these days- including really ridiculously hot temperatures, which seem to be ever increasing each...

How to prepare for a puppy: 14 must-do's around the house
Originally published by Julia Weaver for Redfin, June 10, 2021 Redfin asked us to contribute our most important thing to do when prepping...

Pandemic Pets- the good and bad about getting a pet right now.
We were quoted for an article, which just came out on asking what the effects of the pandemic were in regard to pet adoption...

What to Expect When Adopting (a pet): Part 1
So you want to adopt a pet? That’s great! There are many animals in need- even ones literally, dying for a home. But there’s a few things...

The number one mistake dog owners make when training
While there are many ways owners can go wrong when it comes to training dogs, there's one overarching key action that trickles down to...

Which rockers support animal welfare efforts?
Frankly, so many of our favs do! Check out this article from Livewire that covers these animal loving rock stars- and FEATURES MZ! "Back...
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